1. What is so beneficial about the Christmas planner?
What isn't.
Christmas is usually a pretty fun time of the year, but it can also get pretty hectic trying to squeeze in a lot of plans to get done by the 25th and let's not forget the upcoming New Years as well.
With the Christmas Planner, you can organize and plan out what to get everyone for Christmas this year. You can plan what you wish to get as well and if you don't get what you want as a gift is a gift, then you can always buy it for yourself or hope to get it next year instead.
You can plan out your shopping budget and calculate just how much you are spending. You can log all sales and keep track of discount codes and increase your chances of scoring some good deals this year.
You can view all the shipping providers info if you plan on making shipments this year all in one place instead of stressfully hunting down info on all shipping providers' site and remembering every shipping deadlines and options by heart.
You can easily add you favourite stores and their contact info to make shipping, customer service, refunds and returns a breeze.
You can highlight your favourite people and make sure you remember their sizes all in the same place.
And let's not forget the relaxation part, where you can make Christmas journals and tasks as memories to look back at each and every year.
Basically, you can do everything there is to do with Christmas in the Christmas Planner in one dedicated workspace with ease.
Now that's a lot of benefits!